
Monday 4 August 2014

For a Trio of Travellers

My husband's cousin asked me if I would make a card for his granddaughter, her husband and their daughter, as they are off to work in Kuala Lumpor for the next two years, I wracked my brains trying to think of what to do and then remembered I had a colouring page that I had downloaded a while ago, which was of a stack of three suitcases, (one for each of them)  each one getting smaller as they got to the top of the stack. My plan was to colour up the image and use it on a card, but then I thought to myself - what if the suitcases were the card? Using the colouring page as a template, this is what I came up with.

I used First Edition 6 x 6 Boho Chic papers to decorate the cases and the little travel stamps were found on Google images.

My hubby dropped the card off and then I got a lovely phone call from his cousin's wife saying how much she loved the card and how perfect it was for the recipients. A job well done I think.

Thanks for stopping by,
Colette xx


  1. This is fabulous Colette. I love the idea of making the card from the cases and the colours are fabulous.
    Have a lovely week.
    Hugs Sharon. x

  2. Hi Colette.. what a perfect card for your relatives... and well done for remembering you had this image!

    Christine x

  3. This is just adorable Colette! Awesome idea.


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