
Saturday 3 May 2014

Backpack Max Quick Card

Hopefully as you are reading this, hubby and myself are on our way to Swansea for a nice break. Meg is in respite until next Friday so we decided to take ourselves off for a little holiday. We weren't expecting to go quite so far but when booking the accommodation, yesterday afternoon,  I got my Caernarfons and Carmarthens mixed up and ended up with a 4 hour drive instead of a 2 hour drive LOL!

I have scheduled a few posts for the week, all wedding cards of one sort or another, there is an invitation, an acceptance card and a wedding card, so I think I have covered everything.

For today I have another card made using Paper Creators Backpack Max ultimate kit. As well as papers, the Sassy Cheryl illustration, and other bits and pieces the kit also contains a 6 x 6 inch ready to print card, which was very useful as I only remembered yesterday morning that I didn't have a card made for the weekend and we had decided to go away. 
 printed out the pages and quickly put a card together.

Backpack Max Ultimate kit - Paper Creator
Ribbon, button and cord - Meiflower

Thanks for dropping in,
have a lovely weekend,
Colette xx


  1. A fabulous card Colette... LOVING the colouring and layout.. the extra pile of books really makes it perfect!

    I'm still giggling at your mix up.... that's exactly the type of thing I'd do!! hehe! Enjoy your week... hope you have good weather!

    Christine x

  2. Åhhh have a lovely trip my lovely. ...

    The card is just stunning.

  3. This is fabulous Colette. I love the image and the colour scheme and papers are gorgeous.
    Enjoy the rest of your bank holiday.
    Hugs Sharon. x


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