
Wednesday 26 February 2014

Art Deco Wedding

You know when a "great" card design idea pops into your head out of the blue and you can't wait to put it together and then when you do it's either not that great at all and ends up in the bin,( no! haven't had that happen? I have quite a few times LOL!) or a complete triumph, well today's card is one of those, (obviously a triumph or I wouldn't be sharing it hehe!)

I had the idea to make a bow fronted card using one of my dies to make panels at each side so that you could see into the card, I also have a thing about cards fitting into envelopes so decided to add the concertina folds at each end of the front so that you can press it flat for posting, but it pops open once out of the envelope.

Art Deco Wedding CD rom - Debbi Moore Designs
Memory Box - Lucienne Tile
Lifestyle Nesting Ovals
Pearls - Meiflower

I have to say that it looks so much better in real life, the photo's really don't do it justice, and it is one of my all time favourites. My daughter has already claimed it for her friends wedding later in the year.

I am entering my card into the following challenges -

Fan-Tastic Tuesday - Must Be Square #25 Anything Goes
Party Time Tuesdays  - #161 Anything Goes
Through The Craft Room Door - Always Anything Goes
Tuesday Throwdown - #184 AnythingGoes
Love to Create  - Anything Goes
Make it Monday  - Always Anything Goes

Thanks for dropping in,
Colette xx


  1. Wow what a fantastic card !
    beautiful work x

  2. What a stunning creation. I love the intimate feel of the couple behind the gateway in the foreground.
    I saw this on MIM and came over for a closer look. My projects are #48 and #145.
    Blessing hugs,

  3. Fab card hun love it and thanks so much for joining us at Fan-Tastic Tuesday hope to see u again real soon x

  4. Oh wow ! Pretty, magical, lovely card !!

  5. Beautiful card and image Collette. I spotted this on MIM..Loz

  6. What a wonderful idea and executed beautifully, will add this to my list of things to try.

  7. This just popped out of the gallery of challenge pics....truly truly a work of art! I would love to CASE it but seriously don't think I can ...beautiful card....
    So glad you joined us at TTCRD challenge
    Linda TTCRD DT

  8. Your card is stunning. I love the design you did. Love that image and will have to look for that CD for myself. Thanks for joining us at Tuesday Throwdown Challenge.
    Linda K. DT

  9. Simply Stunning design,Thank you for taking the time to join us over at Fan-Tastic Tuesday we would love the pleasure of your company in next weeks challenge as well.....
    Suzy B ~ Owner Fan-Tastic Tuesday

  10. Pure and simple , this is exquisite , Colette. thanks for sharing on Make it Monday

  11. Wow this is gorgeous! As fantastic as it looks in the photo, I can't imagine how beautiful it in in real life! Stunning! Thanks for joining us at Tuesday Throwdown this week!

  12. A fantastic card, very elegant. Love the design and the colours. Saw this on MIM

  13. Such a beautiful weeding card, thank you for joining TTCRD this week.

  14. Beautiful and elegant; simply wonderful. x


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