
Friday 17 February 2012

Teddy Bo Friday?!?!?!?!

With everything that's been going on I missed Teddy Bo Tuesday and as it's Fairytale Friday today, I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to show my latest Teddy Bo cards.

I planned on stitching the charms into place, but got carried away and ended up
stitching all the papers together and the word sew in the sentiment too. 
Image - TB_188 - coloured in Photoshop
Digi Papers - Black Leaf SewCraft papers - MyGraphico
Silver letters - peel offs
Purple pearls, buttons and charms - MeiFlower


How cute is Bea in her bunny costume?
Image -TB_187
Digi papers - Mels Brushes Easter Eggs Collection - MyGraphico
Ribbon, Ribbon Slider, pink string and buttons - MeiFlower

Don't forget to check out Fairy tale friday, where you can catch up with the happenings at Teddy Bo Towers and also see some more fabulous inspiration from my teamies.

I'm off to a Clipart Fairy workshop tomorrow, was umming and aahhing about going with Meg still not being a 100% but my hubby says it will do me good to get out for a while so I'm going.
Will be back over the weekend to show you what we made.

Colette xx


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. OOPS!!! Just so you know the deleted comment is me (I'm very tired and confused!!!)
    Anyway what I said was - cards are great. The charms really add to the image on the sewing card, and BEA looks so cute as an Easter Bunny!
    I am going before I do any damage!
    Karen x

  3. what two adorable cards, love thenm both

  4. These are both so gorgeous Colette!

  5. This different teddy collections are look so attractive and some teddy give funny look.This creations crafting on the papers look so beautiful.
    men suit


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