
Tuesday 12 December 2017

Oh baubles!

Last year my husband made me a wooden Christmas tree, next thing my daughter wanted one, then some of her friends, my mum, my sister, my friend, her daughter etc., etc., etc., you get the picture, I think he ended up making about 15, the trees came supplied with the lights fitted too.

Last year he got a few requests that came too close to Christmas, so we told people to remind us this year, we thought they would probably forget, but they didn't and he has been busy for weeks now making more, just like last year, somebody sees somebody else's and they want one, then a different person sees theirs and on it goes, at times my living room looked like a forest, trees scattered about everywhere waiting to go to their new homes LOL!.

Here's my tree from last year, I just took the few ornaments off the shelves, leaving the hanging ones still pinned on, removed the batteries from the lights and then wrapped it in a couple of bin bags and stored it at the back of a cupboard, this year I just pulled it out, added batteries and shelf ornaments and it was good to go.

I also got my hooks out and crocheted some Christmas baubles, about a dozen in total although most of them have been stolen appropriated by my daughter, here are just a few.

Thanks for popping in,
take care,
Colette xx

Sunday 10 December 2017

It's either all or nothing!

After being away from the blog for about 9 weeks and then posting every 4 days, (sometimes less), to try and catch up, here I am again only 2 days after my last post. I came across a couple of cards that I had forgotten to blog, one of them from last year, so thought I would get it done now.

This one was made for my friends husband

I came across the instructions on the internet and just had to use them.

This one was made for my friend Donna's 50th birthday, I used my Silhouette to cut out the figure and all the wording.

I also found a couple of Christmas cards from last year too, 

I found the wreath digi stamp for free at Blackberry Jelly HERE, I printed it out to the size I needed to fit the gems, then cut it out leaving a border, I added black glitter to the outlines and filled the spaces with different coloured stick on gems  then attached it to the card front with foam pads.

For this one I used wire cutters to cut the centre bar from an oval diamante ribbon buckle and used it as the O in JOY, the poinsettia is a Sue Wilson die and the letters are from an old discontinued die from my stash.
The gems on the first card and the diamante buckle are from Meiflower.

Thanks for stopping by,
take care,
Colette xx

Friday 8 December 2017

Birthday bakes and a dragon

Both of my grandsons had birthdays while I was away from the blog and I had the task pleasure of making them each a birthday cake. When I asked Will what he would like he said Hyperspace Mountain!!! (they had just come home from Disneyland Paris at the time), well there was no way I could reproduce that, luckily he eventually decided that he wanted something with a pig (his favourite animal), so I made him a pig in mud cake, which didn't stretch my limited skills too much.

 The "mud" is a whole giant bar of Cadbury's Dairy Milk, melted and poured over the top, the cake has three layers and is sandwiched together and coated with chocolate buttercream again made using lots of Dairy Milk, can you guess what his favourite chocolate is? LOL!
I have to admit by the time it was done, the sight and smell of chocolate made me feel nauseous, unfortunately that didn't last long, hehe!

Charlie wanted Ben Ten and in his words "lots of chocolate like Will's please", so after sandwiching the cake together with vanilla buttercream I covered it in Dairy Milk chocolate buttercream icing, coated the sides with crushed Cadbury's flakes, covered the top with a personalised icing topper ordered from eBay and then after piping buttercream swirls around the top and bottom I added giant chocolate buttons to the base

Eric and I also made the boys a chocolate bouquet each, Eric drew up a template and then cut out the boxes, I put them together and then we arranged all their favourite sweets and chocolates in them. I don't have a photo of Charlies as I forgot to take one, but his was red and had lots of Aero peppermint mint bubbles in it.

We also got to help Will with a school art project. They had to make a mythological creature, he wanted to do a dragon with flames coming out of his mouth! We compromised with light up eyes and nostrils LOL!
Eric could the main part of the body from stiff corrugated card, it was a bit too fiddly for Will, but he cut all the other bits, he also helped Eric build the circuit for the lights and did most of the soldering after being shown what to do (that was his favourite part), once the model was finished he came to me for decorating. We covered the old box we used for the base with crumpled up tissue paper and tacky glue, then once dry he dabbed browns, blacks and greys all over it. He gave the Dragon a base coat of a creamy yellow colour before sponging on the orangey/red paint that he wanted to use, and once that was dry he rubbed some gold gilding wax into it.

The teacher was thrilled with it and has put photos up on the school website as well as putting the dragon on display.

Well that's it. I've just about caught up with everything I've been doing over the last couple of months while away from the blog, it's taken a while, but there was a lot to show, hope I haven't bored you too much.

Take care,
Colette xx

Monday 4 December 2017

1,200 tiny stick on gems later...

I may have mentioned a few times in previous posts that I have been busy making wedding stationery.  It's not my favourite thing to do as I don't enjoy the repetitive nature of it, and I did swear a few years ago that I wouldn't do any more unless my daughter and her partner, who have been together for 17 years up to now, decide to make it official, fat chance!

When my bestest friend asked me if I would do her daughters stationery I just couldn't say no. Up to now I have only made her Save the Dates, 60 of them, each with a little heart of gems encircling the day. As I couldn't find the right sized hearts I ended up making them myself by punching hearts out of acetate and then patiently sticking 20 gems around the outside of each heart, it took a while let me tell you!

The original sample was all silver,  as at that point they hadn't decided on a colour scheme but they eventually decided on a cerise pink to go with the silver and the bow became a daisy. The calendars are backed with self adhesive magnet sheets so that they can be stuck to the fridge.

In the photo we have the original sample, the daisies and hearts in the process of being made and the finished product, bagged up and ready to go, photo's are all taken with my phone so aren't the best.

While I was preparing samples for Alison my daughter came along and asked me if I would do the daytime and evening invitations for her half brother and fiancee, and as usual I couldn't say no.

Kathryn knew exactly what she wanted, sending me a pic she had found on the internet, and wondering if I could reproduce it. Luckily it was easy enough to replicate, consisting of mainly printing, cutting and layering, although adding the lace bands, with the triple wrap of string and flowers to 75 invitations took a good few days.

I knew that once these were all done and dusted I could have a bit of a break from wedding stationery, although I will be mad busy next year getting all Alison's day and evening invitations made, along with her order of service, table plan, menus and place cards. No rest for the wicked hey!

Thanks for popping in and taking a look,
take care,
Colette xx